Portfolio MRI

Could there be some “Hidden Holes” inside your investment portfolio?

You may not realize it today, but over the course of time, a portfolio with inefficient diversification and/or unreasonably high fees will peel off a sizeable chunk of your hard-earned money. Could this be in fact precisely what is happening with your current investments?

Our “Portfolio MRI” performs a diagnostic assessment of the asset allocations within your existing portfolio. It breaks down your investments to give you some general insight into what is going on under the hood. You will be able to see what is working well and also any potential trouble spots you might want to address, as well as get answers to some crucial must-know questions:

  • Is your current portfolio [truly] efficiently diversified?
  • How much are you [really] paying in fees and what impact is it having on your overall outcome?
  • How does your current portfolio compare historically against an efficient globally diversified portfolio with similar risk characteristics?

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